An occasional series where we meet the team and unearth a few fun facts about our Bottleneck family. Next up: Lee Jarvis.
Lee Jarvis
Where are you from?
London. The English one.
What is your role at Bottleneck?
Digital Marketing Manager. I help manage and execute our online promotions, content, and analytics.
What do you enjoy about your job?
I like being able to turn all the data that is available online into actionable information. That could be spotting a trend amongst online reviews to let the BOH team know that a new menu item is a hit, or it could be looking at website data to decide if a marketing effort was a success.
What do you do when you are not at work?
Swim, Bike, Run (I’m borderline triathlon obsessed), hike, camp, explore, and frolic.
How did you discover Bottleneck Management?
I know a handful of the Orbit Media team, who developed the Bottleneck websites, and so when Bottleneck was looking to grow their marketing team back in 2013, Amanda Gant introduced me to Angela, and we hit it off straight away!
What do you enjoy about working with the team/company?
The team at Bottleneck are great people to work with. Everyday they are creative, fun, and hardworking, and always able to set you up for success in your role. Also, everyone here is really good at what they do, and that just brings out the best in everyone.
Current favorite drink?
I’m currently on a Belgian beer kick. I usually like the darker stouts and malty ales, but this has shifted to a more rich and fruity thing over the last few months. I’m always excited to really explore new craft beer territory.
What is something that people probably don’t know about you?
Sometimes my dabblings in the music industry are surprising to some people. I’ve produced and DJed electronic music for 14+ years, and had a decent string of international/national gigs and encounters.
Favorite TV/Movie Quote?
“I Love it!” – Frank Drebin

Biggest party foul?
As a long-time DJ, I have to say inappropriate music. “Setting the mood” with EDM Festival club hits at 5pm? You’re doing it wrong.
Favorites food(s)?
I love Italian food; a five course pasta extravaganza would be my perfect meal.
Share a moment of personal triumph:
I once cooked minute rice in 58 seconds.