An occasional series where we meet the team and unearth a few fun facts about our Bottleneck family. This round: Mallory Neumann.
Mallory Neumann
Where are you from?
Canfield, Ohio – Right outside of Youngstown, Ohio.
What is your role at Bottleneck?
Director of Human Resources – Compensation & Benefits
What do you enjoy about your job?
I love my job because no day is ever the same. Each day I am presented with new challenges and situations, which really helps me to stay focused and interested. The culture is great and the core values of the company align with mine. It is a pleasure to work for a company that is growing in the right direction and takes care of their employees.
What do you do when you are not at work?
When I am not at work, I am usually enjoying time with my family. I started a blog this year to write once a week about things that I enjoy; from traveling to cooking, to do-it-yourself projects and everyday inspirations. You can check it out at!

I found Bottleneck Management through Carrie Luxem. She owns Restaurant HR Group and is the restaurant industry expert in all areas of HR.
What do you enjoy about working with the team/company?
Everyone has a place in the company but the owners know it’s our company as much as theirs. They care about us and help us to be great, strive to learn new skill sets and appreciate us, and we can see that every day.
Current favorite drink?
Dr. Brown’s Vanilla Cream Soda
What is something that people probably don’t know about you?
My husband and I are expecting our first child in July ’18.
Favorite TV/Movie Quote?
Boardwalk Empire: Season 1 Episode 1
“First rule of politics, kiddo: Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”

If you can’t afford to tip 20%, you can’t afford to dine out.
Favorite food(s)?
Broasted Chicken. Broasted chicken involves pressure cooking chicken in oil from the inside out and was a novelty back in the 1950s.
Share a moment of personal triumph:
Moving from a small town in Ohio to a large city in Illinois! I now consider Chicago my home and wouldn’t have it any other way, but a few years ago it was one of the hardest things in my life that I had done.