An occasional series where we meet the team and unearth a few fun facts about our Bottleneck family. This round: Lizzy Crandall.
Lizzy Crandall
Where are you from?
Geneva, IL.
What is your role at Bottleneck?
Accounting Manager.
What do you enjoy about your job?
I love that every day is something new and exciting. There is so much that happens in the back of a restaurant that people don’t even know about. There is never a dull moment! I really enjoy who I work with. I think that is so important when finding a job. I also enjoy the fact that I am in an office setting from 9-5 while still in the restaurant industry.
What do you do when not at work?
I definitely like to keep myself busy. There are many things that I do outside of work that involve my love for Chicago and everything it has to offer. I do bikram yoga in the winters to keep warm during these polar vortexes. I love spending time with friends at all of the social gatherings in this city; from charity events, trying new restaurants/bars, going to fashion shows, and going to all of the music venues we have. I have a hard time saying no when something sounds fun, so I am always willing to go just about anywhere! I also enjoy time with my family up at our home in Williams Bay, WI on Lake Geneva.
Image via Matt Becker (Flickr CC)
How did you discover Bottleneck Management?
It’s a really long story, but I started out as a hostess at Sweetwater Tavern & Grille. At that time, I was an Accounting Major at DePaul University. Slowly I realized that accounting was not for me and I switched my major to Hospitality. I reached out to Ken Henricks, our VP of Operations, about a paper I was working on in a class. He didn’t know that I had switched majors, and asked if I would like to be a “guinea pig” for an internship opportunity within Bottleneck Management. From there, I was able to sit in on their management training sessions where I met a lot of people within the company, along with Emma Davidson, the Director of Finance. They needed help in the corporate office in the accounting department, so I started working here part-time while I was finishing college. Once I was ready to graduate, I was offered the full-time position.
What do you enjoy about working with the team/company?
Everyone is so open and I feel like I actually have a voice here. Also, everyone is very down-to-earth and really enjoyable to be around. We always have fun in the office and there is always laughter every day. The owners are always around, appreciative, and there whenever you need them. It really feels like we are a team rather than an office full of random people. I couldn’t ask for a better company!
Current Favorite Drink?
I change around what I drink quite frequently, but I have been on a Deschutes Chainbreaker kick for a while now. I also love IPAs and anything with hops. If I’m feeling really adventurous, a glass of Clase Azul Tequila on the rocks (my dad’s favorite).
What is something that people probably don’t know about you?
I speak Italian fluently, and I lived in Rome for five months.
Favorite TV/Movie Quote?
Since The Simpsons is one of my favorite shows ever, I’ll go with;
“All my life I’ve had one dream: to achieve my many goals.” – Homer Simpson.
Biggest Party Foul?
Being the person who is on your phone the entire night. You are out with friends for a reason, so put the phone down and enjoy the moment!
Favorite Foods?
My favorite food of all time is French fries. The more on top of it the better, but just ketchup will do as well.
Share a moment of personal triumph:
When my high school dance team placed in the finals for Nationals in Hip Hop for UDA. We placed 16th out of hundreds of teams when our school was less than 400 people. It was such an amazing feeling, and our routine was on ESPN.