Modern whiskey has a long and formidable story involving English kings, Ancient Greek philosophers, traveling monks, and George Washington. The history of whiskey traversed continents, religions, and cultures many times before it arrived on the shore of America with early European colonists, but one thing is for sure; whiskey is here to stay.

Proof that Americans love whiskey is shown not only in the recent increases in consumption but also the incredible growth of the whiskey business in America. Over the last 10 years, there has been a resurgence, much like that of craft beer, with whiskey drinkers looking to support local distillers, and true craftsmen of the industry. Younger people began to turn to what was once an old man’s drink and added a fresh injection of creativity and branding to make it the drink of hipsters and millennials nationwide.

With more choices, more resources (like our own ‘Introduction to Whiskey‘), and more experts around, it is no wonder to find that more Americans are discovering a new love for the spirit. Some of the facts about whiskey below show that this appreciation also flows outside of the US, and that the future of the American whiskey industry looks very strong indeed.

Whiskey facts - Americans love whiskey infographic
Thanks to for the infographic.

With the continued rise of whiskey, how will bars, restaurants and liquor stores respond to the competition for shelf space? Will there be a predicted ‘bubble’ similar to craft beer? How will associated industries cope with demand on resources for barrels, grains, and talent? Share your thoughts on our social channels.

by Bottleneck Management